Winnipeg Bed Bug Heating by Leon Wieler
Heat Sterilization
Furniture and electronics can be heat treated to kill all stages of bed bugs. You can move from an infested home to a new home bug free while keeping your belongings.
Multi Family Bed Bug Specialist
Multi family settings require cooperation from the landlord, tenant, and the exterminator. If one of these areas fail all money spent is wasted. We work hand in hand with the landlord to get results. This cooperation also reduces overall cost.
Standard Chemical Treatments
Chemical treatments have been the mainstay of bed bug control for many years. It is a tool in the exterminator’s tool box that should not be ignored.
Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
We take IPM seriously. Education and prevention is the backbone of bed bug control. If bugs must be addressed we use heat, chemical, baiting via the tenant, mechanical trapping, tenant education, and extensive monitoring. The cost is very reasonable if the landlord’s employees / homeowner’s work are incorporated into the plan and the results are excellent.

Contact Us, To See How We Can Help you Remove your Bed Bugs Click Here
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